Customer Testimonials

“Just want to say what a wonderful experience I’ve had with Polar Bear Soda Co. I have used them since 2010. They seem to pull me out of a bind whenever I have a beer gas leak or I’ve cut myself too close on a flavor and need an emergency delivery.

They have a fully staffed office where I can always get a human voice on the phone. They even oblige me by letting me text my orders, which is always more convenient for me.

After hours and on the weekends if you call their office and no one is there, you can always use their emergency phone number, which I have used several times. I get immediate help right there on the phone and they walk me through the process of fixing the problem to help get me back up and running. If its something that is broken, they have never let me down and have always come into the city to rescue us, even on a Saturday.

We have several floors, with multiple soda systems and always have full confidence that my business will be cared for by the great service techs at Polar Bear.”

“This past weekend would have been a disaster if not for the expert response team you put in place to assist your clients in pragmatic situations.

Upon arriving this past Saturday for a high-profile event I noticed that the Cola syrup box was ripped. the plastic bag holding the syrup was on the floor and the connector had snapped off.

Phoning your emergency hotline provided me with a return call within a relatively short period of time. The knowledge and confident tone of your assistant walking me through each step of the procedure necessary to follow as to how to make a quick fix of this problem took away the stress and anxiety that had consumed me.

I would like to also thank your office support staff who have always been available to address any and all of my questions and operating concerns!”